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Networking, Digital business cards

Ultimate Guide 2024: How to Create a Digital Business Card

May 5, 2024
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Your Ultimate Guide to Digital Business Cards

Networking is evolving at a record pace thanks to our increasing reliance on technology. Everything from how we do business, how we meet up, and even how we exchange contact information is changing to reflect a paperless, eco-friendly society. 

While paper business cards have long been a networking staple, exchanging and managing bits of paper is no longer convenient in our digital world. 

More and more professionals are turning to digital business cards to share information with new contacts easily. This is especially true for professionals who rely on relationships to drive their business growth and boost their bottom line. 

But what is it, do you need one? This article explores how to create a digital business card and how to send a one. Let’s take a look at the revolutionary way to share contact information through a Online business card format to expand your network and grow your business.

What Is a Digital Business Card And How they work? 

A digital business card, also known as a QR code business card, virtual business card, electronic business card, or online business card, connects all your digital contact information in one profile. They are customized with your unique information and can be as detailed or general as you wish. 

How does a digital business card work? When you are ready to share it, you would provide a URL, a QR Code, or embed it on your webpage. The recipient would click the link or scan the QR Code and access all your contact information. 

They empower professionals to make a lasting impression in the digital realm, facilitating efficient networking, easy information exchange, and seamless connectivity.

How To Make a Online Business Card

Top Benefits of Electronic Business Cards

They are the best way to move your brand forward. In this digital era, your qr code business card will enhance your networking interactions and demonstrate that you are willing to adapt to changing times. 

1. They Are Convenient 

You’ll always have your business cards on hand as long as you have your phone or computer within reach. Since everything is electronic, you don’t need to worry about a low card supply or leaving them at home. 

They also have the convenience of being extremely editable, meaning they are always up-to-date with your latest contact information.

2. They Are Cost-effective

Because you can easily find free business card templates and create them yourself, there’s no need to pay hundreds of dollars on paper cards that will probably get thrown away or lost by the recipient.

3. They Offer Seamless Follow-Ups

When you share an online business card, it goes directly to the receiver’s inbox, making it easy to integrate into their workflow.  They make following up simple and more efficient, which leads to the development of more robust connections.

4. They Allow For Contactless Sharing

Because online meetups and virtual events are part of our everyday life, online business cards are a staple for professional online networking. 

You can share electronic business cards with anyone over email, text, or social media. You can even hold up a QR Code during a video call, and anyone in attendance can scan with a mobile device and access your contact information. 

5. They Make A Statement

When you share a digital business card, you are making a statement about yourself and your brand. By having a virtual card at the read, you will stand out from the crowd and inspire a new trend in your industry, especially if you are the first to pioneer them! 

How To Make a Digital Business Card

There are many DBCs providers, but we will focus on KADO, an excellent platform for creating and managing tap business cards. With its user-friendly interface and robust features, KADO offers a seamless solution for professionals seeking to digitize their networking efforts.

KADO provides both free and premium plans, making it accessible to individuals and businesses of all sizes. The free plan offers essential features, such as customizable templates and contact information storage, while the premium plans unlock advanced functionalities like analytics tracking and multimedia content embedding. In this step-by-step guide, we will walk you through the process of how to create digital business card that represents your professional identity.

Step-by-Step guide of how to create a Digital Business Card:

Step 1: Define Your Objective and Target Audience

Before diving into the design process, it's essential to identify your objective and target audience. Are you a creative professional looking to showcase your portfolio? Understanding your objective will help shape the overall design and content of your online business card. Consider your target audience's preferences and needs.

What kind of information will they find valuable? What elements will resonate with them? By tailoring your digital business card to your specific audience, you can make a more significant impact and enhance the chances of engagement.

Step 2: Choose a DBC App or Software

There are several platforms and software options available for creating online business cards, we recommend KADO as the top business card app.

Creating a Digital Business Card Through the KADO Mobile App:

While setting up an online business card through a web browser offers more flexibility, the KADO mobile app provides a convenient solution for those on the go.

Here's a step-by-step guide to how to create an online business card using the KADO app:

1. Sign Up

1. Download the KADO app from the App Store or Play Store if you haven't already.

2. Sign up for an account using either one-click sign up (SSO) with Outlook or Gmail, or with your email and a one-time passcode (OTP).

3. Fill in your basic information, such as name, last name, and avatar. Provide your professional details, including company name and position. Ensure notifications are enabled for important updates.

2. Complete Your Profile

1. Design: When asking yourself how to make a digital business card, think about the elements we discussed before. The layout and visual elements of your digital business card play a crucial role in creating a professional and visually appealing impression.

Start by selecting a clean and minimalistic design that complements your personal brand. Incorporate your logo and branding elements to create consistency across your digital presence.

💡 PRO TIP: Consider using high-quality im ages or videos that showcase your work or products. However, be mindful of the file size and ensure that they don't slow down the loading time of your DBC.

2. Company Info: Add your company's information, including name, website, address, and a brief description.

Of course, it's a business card after all, so when you create your digital business card, make sure you include all the necessary contact information on your digital business card. This typically includes:

  • Name and Job Title 
  • Business Name And Logo 
  • Phone Number / Email adress
  • Social Media Accounts For Your Brand 
  • A Picture Or Short Video
  • Bright Colors And Eye Catching Branding Design

Depending on your objective, you may also include links to your social media profiles, specific sites within your website (ie contact us form, or your calendly link) or video content (interviews, success stories, marketing materials).

💡PRO TIP: Ensure that the contact information is clear, well-organized, and easily readable. Consider using clickable links for email addresses and website URLs to provide a seamless user experience.

3. Social Links: Include links to your social media profiles by adding them under the Social Links section. Remember to use https:// in the URL to ensure proper linking.

4. Special Buttons and Video: Enhance your card with special buttons for calls to action or embedded videos to showcase your work or services.

Check out this quick video on how to create a digital business card free, within minutes 👇

Step 3: Test and Optimize

Before finalizing your digital business card, test it across various devices and platforms to ensure optimal compatibility and functionality. Check for any formatting or display issues and make necessary adjustments. Test the interactivity features, such as clickable links and multimedia elements, to ensure they work as intended.

Seek feedback from colleagues or trusted individuals to gain insights and make improvements. A fresh perspective can often uncover areas that can be enhanced for a better user experience.

Step 4: Share and Track Engagement

Save and Share: Once your digital business card is ready, it's time to share it with your network. Utilize the sharing options provided by your chosen platform or software. You can send it via email, share it on social media, or generate a QR code for easy scanning.

How to send an online Business Card

Track the engagement and effectiveness of your online business card using analytics tools provided by the platform. Monitor metrics such as views, click-through rates, and engagement rates to gain insights into the performance of your card. This data can help you refine your networking strategy and make informed decisions for future updates.

Where Can I Share My Digital Business Card? 

The beauty of having digital business cards is that sharing is simple and can be done in several different ways. 

  • Share With A QR Code: Recipients can use their mobile device to scan this code and gain access to your contact info. Embed the QR Code image in the background of video meetings so people can scan at their convenience. 
  • Share Through Text Or Email: Your DBC platform will have a share option, which means you can directly input emails and phone numbers and allow the mobile app to send your card automatically. 
  • Embed In Your Email Signature: Using the link or QR code, you can include your qr code business card in your automated email signature
  • Post The Link: Remember to include your electronic business card on all your social media accounts, your landing page, and anywhere industry peers or potential customers may be spending time.
  • NFC Business Card: With NFC-enabled devices, you can simply tap your phone against another NFC-enabled device to instantly share your business card. This technology offers a seamless and convenient way to exchange contact information in person.

The more accessible your DBC is, the more likely your contact info will end up in an address book that will lead to a sales lead or new business contact. 

How to use Digital Business Card

After creating your digital business card, it’s instantly ready to share.

Just open your phone's Wallet and display the pass (your card) to the recipient.

This allows you to share business cards in a contemporary, eco-friendly, and touch-free manner.

Digital Business Card Size

While you can customize your virtual business card to any dimensions, we recommend sticking to the standard 3.5” x 2.0” size and vertical business cards are 2.0” x 3.5”. This ensures that your design is print-ready if you ever decide to create physical copies.

Get Started With your QR Code Business Card Today 

During a time when many networking opportunities occur online, having a contactless way to share your contact information is a must. No matter your industry, a DBC communicates that you are a leader in your field. 

Feel free to create and share your digital business card today to make a statement and seize every opportunity to widen your professional social network. 

Digital Business Cards FAQs

How can I make my QR Code business card stand out? 

To make your qr code business card stand out, include social media information, bright colors, and engaging videos to capture your recipients’ attention. 

What is replacing business cards?

Business cards are being replaced by tech-savvy alternatives like digital business cards, QR code business cards, and NFC business cards. These modern options are easy to create, share. and connect.

Are digital business cards worth it?

Yes, digital business cards are eco-friendly, cost-effective, and versatile. They save time and money by eliminating the need for printing and distribution, unlike traditional paper cards.

Do Business Cards Work?

You might wonder if business cards still work given our technological advancements. The answer is Yes. Business cards remain a crucial tool in various aspects of business life, even as we enhance our communication methods.

What should I avoid putting on my electronic business card? 

Avoid including outdated information, glaring typos, and too much visual clutter when creating a electronic business card. 

Frequently Asked Questions

If you are hesitating, do not worry - we are here to explain everything you might want to know. Let us help!

  • A digital business card, also known as an electronic business card or virtual business card, is a way to share and save contact information in real-time quickly. Beyond contact information they can be customized with different designs and interactive elements

  • You may include your contact information, as well as links to your social networks and communication channels, personalized links and buttons, and video content. You may also edit the colors of your card and add an avatar and a cover.

  • KADO includes a free tier version where you will be able to create your digital business card top to bottom, including links to socials, buttons and video content! Only color designs are part of the paying tiers.

  • Every KADO digital business card has a QR code attached to it, which you can find on your app, under the exchange screen; or under the web app profile.

  • There are many digital business card providers out there, but KADO offers many benefits:

    • KADO allows to integrate videos and personalized buttons and links, even under the free tier
    • KADO offers many integrations, even native, such as HubSpot, Salesforce and Dynamics
    • We allow to fully design your digital business cards, adding all your preferred colors and company logo
    • KADO is ready for enterprises with complex organizational structures.
  • All data is encrypted and firewalled in AWS with no public IP address, and we offer role based, access control within your firm. Plus we are SOC2 ceritfied and GDPR compliant.

  • Yes, KADO is designed for enterprises with multiple offices and teams. Contacts, notes and other information are easily shared or restricted across the organization. Finally, KADO has a beautiful admin UI for managing all aspects of the account.

  • Currently, NFC digital business cards are not publicly listed on the web, but you may request them on demand.

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